Cold but pleasant. Snowy
Three of Mr. Clark's girls did not have their lesson and I was so disappointed that I cried all the noon to think they were so deceptive. Tonight ran a large needle into my arm and it is very painful. Miss Allen's party was a great success. I enjoyed it. Miss Bessie sang and read. Miss Fay played and Miss Noyes gave three selections in signs. Mrs. W.P.W. told me of the church meetings. Mr. Love wants us to pray for ourselves that we may be filled, for the church, and for individuals. Pray purposely & read of revivals, to gain a deeper spirit. I am to pray for Mr. Robertson. The Miss Fushes were here & seemed cordial. Mrs. Waite told me of her trouble with Mr. Holt. She reported a boy. He was mad and called her cranky, but I think there was some [unreadable] distaste. It does not seem like Mr. H.
12 or 20 (second series) questions with Peter Dubé
19 minutes ago
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